Folkshul is a welcoming and inclusive Secular Humanistic Jewish community that transmits the values of social justice and human responsibility.
Our community is anchored by four main programs: Sunday School, Adult Community, Life Cycle Ceremonies, and Holiday Celebrations. Click on the links below to learn more or sign up for a membership today.
We take pride in welcoming all who wish to grow, celebrate, and find comfort in Jewish life cycle ceremonies. We'll work with you to identify and personalize Jewish texts and rituals. Together, we'll create an individualized ceremony that is a reflection of you and your family's values and traditions.
We facilitate Baby Welcoming/Naming Ceremonies, Weddings/Commitment Ceremonies, Funerals and Memorial Services.
Our Breit Mitzvah program is the only of its kind in the region. Teens select a topic related to Judaism and spend a year with a 1 on 1 mentor crafting a presentation for their friends, family and community. Click here to learn more about Life Cycle Ceremonies.
Our inclusive, Secular Humanistic Jewish community invites you to participate in our programming for adults, whether you have a child in our Sunday School or not. Adult community activities include: restaurant club, local outings, study groups, mah jongg, film screenings, speakers series, Zumba, and more!
Our adult community is intergenerational, with members from 25 to 95 years-old. We gather every week during Folkshul's Sunday school and through out the month at events across the region. Click here to learn more about our adult community.
At Folkshul, we interpret Jewish holiday celebrations through a humanistic lens. We believe that humans are responsible for each other and our planet. Our intergenerational holiday celebrations combine Jewish traditions with current events and secular music. We reflect on the lessons of the holidays and how they inform our commitment to Tikkun Olam—repairing the world.
As a community we celebrate Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Chanukah, Tu B'shevat, Purim, and Passover. We also do acts of service to mark Thanksgiving, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Click here to learn more about our Holiday Celebrations.
Our Sunday school features programming for children from pre-k through 12th grade. Students learn Jewish history, traditions, holidays, and values while having fun and making new friends. Our curriculum teaches young people social action through the Jewish lens of Tikkun Olam—repairing the world.
Our Sunday school runs from September through May. We hold weekly have classes for kindergarten through 9th grade. Folkshul graduates in 10th, 11th and 12th grade serve as paid classrooms assistants. Our seasonal Sunday Funday Program is a great way to introduce pre-schoolers to Folkshul. Click here to learn more about our Sunday school.